What do L7 have to do with Christmas? Well

I always wanted to approach the band with the idea for a Christmas tour, just so I could design the T-Shirts.

Cuz you remember the shirt they had, "Smell the Magic, with the young lady makin’ the dude smell the magic? Well, I figured you could keep the dude but replace the young woman with the Three Wise Men…

As I’ve illustrated here. But then, when you go to the bottom of the shirt, it says, “Smell the Magi.” Ah?? Ah?


You design T’s like that bro then you ain’t going to Heaven!

Why? There’s nothing wrong with smelling Frankincense and Myrrh… (or “the magic,” for that matter…)

Oh, ok… So the dude is not sniffing the Magi’s circumcision scars? Looks like I’m not going to Heaven for making such assumptions…

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Ah, I think you’ll make heaven okay… Might not pass Bible class, though – the Magi weren’t supposed to be Jewish ; lol