When I was a kid, we knew a family who had a chain of donut stores, and the kids got to bring one of the Pacman tables home and put it in the basement. After a while, the game kinda got corrupted, and when Pacman went out the side door, he WOULDN’T automatically come back in on the other side. Instead, there was a good chance he’d start going down the outside of the maze, and then he’d move up and down the outside of it until you made him go back in. I didn’t even think that was possible, but it was. And sometimes he’d just pass through a ghost instead of eating them or being eaten (and isn’t that how ghosts are supposed to work?)
Just once, I’d like to see a Pacman game where Blinky’s blue, goes into the “change room” and comes out wearing red again. Pinky’s blue, goes into the “change room” and comes out wearing pink again. Inky’s deep blue, goes into the “change room” and comes out wearing turquoise again. Clyde’s blue, goes into the “change room”… and comes out dressed like Carmen Miranda – with the dress, and the big, poofy upper sleeves, and the headdress. And then Pacman’s like, “So THAT’S what happened to all the fruit!! Geez!!”
It sounds like their game table . . .
May be . . .
. . . H A U N T E D !
Can we send Alice and her “Ghost Box” to investigate?
Wait, are we talking about… a Donut Mafia Family?
Was the Pac-Man table . . .
. . . . . involved in a . . . M U R D E R ?
Enquiring minds want to know.
Please file any Official Nightmares in the Complaint Department, per usual.
Didnt I tell you kids that Ken’s Donuts on The Drag - Guadalupe across from UT - was a front for drug deallers?
The game contains ghosts. Of course it’s haunted…
Mafia… ehhhh… well… perhaps eventually if not at the time… (long story)
Their daddy was NOT a good person.
You travel in naughty circles
There was a blues or jazz musician who was kidnapped and forced to play for Al Capone.
Is that what being a DJ is like?
Not my fault. I NEVER liked him. Total sleaze. I tried to throw him out of the house when I was a kid.
You know youve made it when a mobster has you DJ his daughters quincinera