Mixcloud says, “You’ve reached your limit for published shows.” I can’t reach my limit now. I’ve got an Edgar Allan Poe birthday special to upload. Do I have to delate one of my previous shows that wasn’t one of my faves, maybe?
Most likely. I always have to delete when I want to upload bc I’m also at my limit.
How much is the limit?
I cant drive… FIFTY FIVE! ~~Sammy Hagar
Take it to the limit one more tiiiiiiiiiiime ~~ The Eagles
Thanks! I’ll have to do that then! At least I do have a couple of shows I won’t be too heartbroken over. There was one where the word list kind of lent itself to a lot of Bing Crosby-ish songs lol But, hey, it made 4th on the Big Band chart! lol
If you’re not upgraded to a Pro account, ten.
From the Creator Dashboard, go to MY SHOWS.
When you’re on this list, there’s a MORE button next to the BOOST button on each episode. There, you can mark them as DRAFT.
I wrote detailed instructions on how to set them as PRIVATE from there, but then I tested it and MixClown still only allowed me to have 10 mixes, even if they are private.
I guess we’ll have to go down to their headquarters and set a cybertruck on fire.
I suspect as with META and the rest, they’re taking advantage of you know who, the same way the oil companies put someone in charge and jacked up oil prices way back when
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