500 years ago… EVERYONE was evil
Human cannibalism - Wikipedia.
The ancient Aztecs judging you from Aztec heaven
Aztecs are most commonly described as evil incarnate, and to be fair they did kill people, a lot of them, as part of their religion. Every month—that is, eighteen times a year—they’d have a big festival and party a bit, and then they’d have a human sacrifice. While fun for those on the right end of the knife, it did carry a deeper meaning. In Aztec Mythology, the gods are continually sacrificing themselves so that the universe can keep existing. So they felt indebted to the gods. Instead of praying, people would cut themselves with knives and cover some thorns with their blood, then put the thorns in the temple. The Aztecs themselves reported 80,400 sacrifices in a four-day period on one occasion (but they probably fudged the numbers a lot, considering that to hit that number there would have to a sacrifice every 4 seconds for all four days). Most likely, they sacrificed “smaller” numbers, with estimations going from 2,000 to 20,000 a year, possibly varying depending on what was available. Fun fact: Each god had a specific sacrificial offering, and Quetzalcoatl’s sacrifice consisted of butterflies and hummingbirds