They Might Be Giants - Greek #3


LMAO!!! I’ve never heard this!! LOL!!

You can tell they’re trying to sing it phonetically and not quite getting it LOL

It’s sometimes hard to understand because the pronunciation is a little weird. It’s definitely a good try by them, though, because they do shockingly well and probably better than almost any non-speaker would. I’m impressed by the stuff they get right, but it’s not easy and it would take A LOT of work to get it even close to perfect.

“I only have two songs, and the third just came out.” Wouldn’t that count as having three songs??

He’s only got two songs, but the third one’s on it’s way.

I feel like the grammar is weird on that line, to be honest

I guess maybe they deserve this

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I once closed captioned a documentary about them. It was fun, and they seemed like a really cool pair of dudes.

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