
Had a WW3 nightmare about a bomber trying to escape to Antarctica which turned out to be a movie within another nightmare that I was late to HIGH SCHOOL!!! Apparently I still needed a MATH credit! And I was late! And I thought I was having a kidney stone or something because my pee was black like Kraken rum which I havent had in 8 years! Then I couldnt figure out what month it was, and my computer had a CRT! Then I booted it up because it probably had CIV on it and worst of all, I was in a house similar to my grandparents. Total time screw. What year is it?

Wait a secondā€¦ Iā€™ve had a kidney stone myself (AWFUL), butā€¦ you DO mean that your pee was black like Kraken rum JUST in the dream, right? I meanā€¦ you didnā€™t actually experience that when you had your kidney stone??

(Did they do the thing where they give you a ā€œcoffee filterā€ to try and catch it?)

My dad had a kidney stone and the doctor told him to drink a beer a day lol

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P.S. ā€¦Is it just me or does it feel like thereā€™s been A LOT of pee talk in the complaints department lately? ā€¦Iā€™m almost starting to wonder whether your complaint of the watermain breaking was just a euphemism!

In the dream. It was freaky weird

No, Iā€™m with my mom in a new subdivision that used to be cornfields, and theyā€™re about to expand into another cornfield and some dumb bunny broke the pipe with a Caterpillar digger.

Iā€™m trying to leave Texas before the Three Stooges (Abbott, Patrick, and Paxton) turn it into Iran.

Where do you live that bunnies use Caterpillar diggers? Wonderland? Some sort of Max & Ruby town??

But seriously, I hope you get out. I hate those bastards. Thereā€™s a place in hell for them (the stooges you mentioned, not bunnies).

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