Naked Ladies

Can I upload a bunch of hot babes? or is that toxic masculinity?

I’m down for titties, but if it gets super graphic, I’ll delete them. I don’t quite want this to devolve into a coom haven.

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Toxic Masulinity in highly encouraged otherwise

Lol. I wasnt being too serious. I only have a few sketchy sketches from life drawing. I know I have a few actual paintings in a box somewhere. I’m going to prep a modified Zorn style palette with fast dry oils and I can try to make it on Tuesday.
Saturday starts too early and it was thundering and raining heavy this morning.

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holy fuck, nice

No thanks, Mr. Van Driesen.

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I’m with the bear on this one, bro…

I wish I could paint like that though.

You boys stop whacking off in muh tool shed

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In other actual news, this morning on Spectrum News, my sister’s godfather and my Dad’s Nam buddy, Frank Mendez was featured painting away his PTSD and painting landscapes and portraits of Nam Vets. They showed his work at a show honoring vets. I couldnt find the actual story but I’ll keep trying

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