Prince… how nasty is that song I wonder?
I almost chose that Cocteau Twins track and I almost chose the same DJ Shadow track Monica did.
That’s 'cause he lives for the organ ;
I need my organ grinded
I bet you Canooks call it “mince” @Moonlight
They might if they chopped it…
Dont get any ideas … Youre scary enough Madame
Nah, “mince” is more of a British thing we didn’t really adopt. We just call it “ground (whatever).”
I’ve got a PhD in pulverizing. I know the difference…
Funny enough when I wanted ground turkey they knew what I meant but ground beef is mince
Did you hear how the butcher injured himself when he backed into his slicer? He got a little behind in his work
It says, “You’ve reached your limit for published shows.” I can’t reach my limit now. I’ve got an Edgar Allan Poe birthday special to upload. Do I have to delate one of my previous shows that wasn’t one of my faves, maybe?
Hmm! That Imogen Heap song is pretty cool! First time hearing that one.
Has that pic been like Victorian photoshopped?
Guys, this program turned out GREAT!!
Unfortunately… none of you could possibly win. When we went to make the Mix+Match track, I realized I couldn’t repeat EITHER of you guys on the show!
(unless we had like a stellar cover, and even then…)
Sorry, I guess that’s the price of fame.
As far as I’m concerned, I had 3.5 matches. I win.
Alice’s Mix-Match song isn’t included in the Track List?
Oh, wait, you didn’t include yours either last time.
This did turn out great - I really like how @UlezUlysses and I picked the same song, even though we didn’t.