Me, chillin’ as I listen to all your mixes and this week’s show:



Merci beaucoup Madame! Beautiful artwork, really captures my bony charisma and the Amazon warehouse construction that freed me from the grave! :skull: :skull_and_crossbones: :skull: :skull_and_crossbones: :skull:

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Thank you and thank you! And to you as well! I liked your song! And I’m still laughing at “squeaky toys” :laughing:

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Fixed it?? It was perfect!!

Observe: 12 is for the hanged-man, while 13 is the death card. Get it? Ergo, this ancient GRIM REAPER opens his robe to show all the Amazons (he doesn’t know it’s a company) how HUNG he is (well, after decomposition the flesh has to be implied, but I digress). And so, I rest my case. See? It MADE perfect sense ALREADY!!

Ah, well…

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Oh. Uhh… I don’t… know…

13 looks pretty good.

You’re supposed to be having fun.

Think of tonight as Halloween-extended

Or Walpurgis Nacht

Get on your broom and RIDE! :mage::mage::mage:

I’m leaving in the morning, or maybe not. There’s a huge blizzard coming. :frowning:

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Well dang

Hey - for the record nothing is decomposed! Monica placed that twin deck strategically so you boyz wouldn’t feel inadequate! :laughing:

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…But the twin deck isn’t that… Oh, my gosh, you plugged it in somewhere, didn’t ya?

Custom jacks, eh? Hmm!

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:laughing: :+1: :rofl: Shocking!

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