David Bowie's Advice to Young Artists


I should write down my nightmares for you to turn into screen plays and a horror anthology.
Did you ever see Stephen Spielberg Presents? The Christopher Lloyd, B 17 bomber, and Family Dog episodes stick in my head 40 years later

Was the bomber episode the one where it had big cartoon wheels? If you don’t know what I’m talking about, that’s going to sound nuts.

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Yes yeas yessir

Yeah! That was a great show!
It was like… Weird Tales from the Slightly Cloudy Out Zone.

I should write down my nightmares for you to turn into screen plays and a horror anthology.
Did you ever see Stephen Spielberg Presents? The Christopher Lloyd, B 17 bomber, and Family Dog episodes stick in my head 40 years later

Yes, write your nightmares down for me…

I reserve the right to make music and pictures out of it.

Write about them in the Complaint Department like I do.

You These memes were too perfect

I’m sorry if you’re feeling like a depressed fairy. Is there anything I can do to help?

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Youre the funniest person I know

Counsellor and I had to catch up, going to get me into anger management and sobriety in Dec.